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Karen Young


Office: Clayton Hall Clatyton Hall Room T-105C
Social Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Young, Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social Sciences, is a native Californian who attended the University of California, Irvine, where she earned her B.A., M.A., & Ph.D. degrees. At CSU, some of her favorite classes she teaches are in International Relations where she has taught in study abroad for the USG in Madrid, Spain (2009-2014) and in Paris, France (2015-2019). As Faculty Advisor to the CSU Model UN class, she took students to national conferences held at the United Nations in New York City, and to international conferences in Prague, Czech Republic and in the Galapagos Islands. While a member of the Board of the NMUN, Dr. Young founded and was Director of the Diversity Building Scholarship Initiative, a scholarship fund which provided the financing for students to attend the NMUN in New York, and designed for traditionally underrepresented students, who, without this aid would not have been able to take part in such an empowering & enlightening life changing experience. She still enjoys international travel and speaks several different languages fluently.


Ph D, Comparative Culture,Cultural Anthropology,Sociology,Statistics , University of California - Irvine, 1987

MA, Social Sciences/Cultural Anthropology,Sociology, University of California - Irvine, 1982

BA, Social Sciences, Comparative Culture, University of California - Irvine, 1979

Awards and Honors

Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant, USG Board of Regents, Award, 2019

Teacher of the Year Award Nomination, CSU School of Arts and Sciences, Award, 2019

Alice K. Smith Award Nomination, Clayton State University Foundation, Award, 2018

Gene Hatfield Teacher of the Year Award, CSU Department of Arts & Sciences, Award, 2013

Outstanding Contributions to Diversity Building Initiatives, National Collegiate Conference Association, Award, 2009

Intellectual Contributions

Sheryne Southard, Karen Young, An Exploration of Online Students' Impressions of Contextualization, Segmentation, and Incorporation of Light Board Lectures in Multimedia Instructional Content, The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology – January 2018

Sheryne Southard, Karen B. Young, Optimization of Multimedia Instructional Content, Distance Learning Administration Conference Proceedings – Summer 2017

Rodger Bates, Karen Young, Darrell Campbell, The Sociological Advantage - Five Moves Ahead, The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology – January 2017

Karen Young, Using International Study Tours as a Methodology for Teaching About Race Comparatively., Fourth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Advances in Qualitative Methods – 2003

Kimberly S. Clay, Costellia Talley, Karen B. Young, Exploring Spirtual Well-Being Among Survivors of Colorectal and Lung Cancer, Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought – January 1 2010

Contracts, Grants, and Sponsored Research

Karen B. Young, Rodger Bates, Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant, USG Board of Regents, State, 10800, Funded –  October 8 2019 to Present

Karen Young, CAS Mini-Grant to take students to National Model United Nations Conference, College of Arts & Sciences, Clayton State University, 1000.00, Funded –  November 4 2017 to April 10 2018

Karen Young, CAS Mini-Grant to take students to the National Model United Nations conference, College of Arts & Sciences, Clayton State University, 540.00, Funded –  November 2013 to April 2014

Karen B. Young, National Model United Nations Annual UN Conference, Provost's Office, Clayton State University, 3000.00, Funded –  Fall 2012 to Spring 2013

Karen B. Young, Kimberly Clay, Health and Aging in the African Amerian Community, University of Georgia, State, Funded –  January 2009 to Spring 2011


Karen B. Young, Brian, Professor UNG Mann, Jeannie, CSU graduate student Detar, Developer, Moderator & Presenter of Paper/Panel session entitled "We All Work Together to Make it Better: Community Building Across Local, National, and International Fronts, Georgia Sociological Association 2019 Annual Conference, Georgia Sociological Association GSA –  November 7 2019

Sheryne Southard, Karen B. Young, Optimization of Multimedia Instructional Content, DLA 2017, Distance Learning Administration Annual Conference –  June 2017

Karen Young, Barbara Thomas, Jeannie Detar, Rose Pollion, Georgia Transforms Into a Battleground State in the Upcoming Presidential Election - Sociological Implications, Georgia Sociological Association Annual Conference, GSA Georgia Sociological Association –  October 2016

Karen Young, Rodger Bates, Darrell Campbell, Keokuk Kight, Five Moves Ahead: Effectively Practicing the Sociological Advantage, Georgia Sociological Association Annual Conference, GSA Georgia Sociological Association –  October 2015

Karen B. Young, Using the Movie "The Butler" as a Backdrop for the Critical Analysis of Social Class and Social Theoretical Issues Both Then and Now, SOCIAL CLASS: NOW AND THEN, Georgia Sociological Association –  October 18 2013

Service to the University & University System of Georgia

University, University P&T Committee, Committee Member –  January 2019 to Present

College, Promotion & Tenure for Full Professorship Candidates, Committee Member –  August 1 2014 to August 2018

College, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Committee Member –  August 10 2010 to August 2013

Department, Promotion and Tenure committee, Committee Member –  September 2009 to May 2013

University System, Board of Regents (BOR) Committee for Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Committee Member –  Fall 2008 to Present

University, International Programs Advisory Committee, Committee Member –  Fall 2010 to Fall 2012

University, Provost's Faculty Advisement Committee, Committee Member –  September 2009 to December 2013

College, Dean's Search Committee for School of Arts & Sciences, Committee Member –  September 2007 to April 2008

College, Teacher Education Curriculum Committee, Committee Member –  September 2005 to June 2009

Service to the Profession

Member, Georgia Sociological Association

Service to the Community

Other, Green Pastures Assisted Living Facilities, Local –  January 2009 to December 2012