Professor of Criminal Justice
Office: Clayton Hall T-218
Social Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences
Andrea Allen is professor of criminal justice. Her research focuses on policing, drugs and crime, and firearms, and is published in outlets such as Crime & Delinquency, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Criminal Justice and Behavior, and Policing.
Ph D, Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of South Carolina, 2013
Andrea Allen, Are campus police “real” police? Students’ perceptions of campus versus municipal police, The Police Journal – 2021
Andrea Allen, Scott Jacques, “He did that because I was Black”: Black college students perceive municipal police, not campus police, as discriminating, Deviant Behavior – 2020
Andrea Allen, Do campus police ruin college students' fun?, Deviant Behavior – 2017
Andrea Allen, Stop and question campus policing, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management – 2016
Andrea Allen, Campus police-citizen encounters: Influences on sanctioning outcomes, American Journal of Criminal Justice – 2015